Friday, March 5, 2010

A Dissertation on the Detox

Hello, people of the Internet!

I'm really bad at updating as often as I'd like to. I was going to comment each few days during my Detox about how I was doing, but to be fairly honest, that was a lofty goal. I update best, and feel that I have the most to say, when I chat to myself on here about every 2 weeks. Hopefully my life will get more interesting, or I'll find more things to say, and I can update once a week.

So, how did the Detox go?

Well, I started on Monday, February 22. So today is day 12. I'm almost done with my original 14 day plan, but to be honest, it panned out to be smarter as a 10 day plan.

I started the detox by tracking my food intake for the first 4 days. This worked well when I remembered to write it all down, and helped me eat at regular times, and take my vitamins.

The basic breakdown of my detox was as such: Little Gluten, No Artificial Flavors or Colors, No Preservatives, No Artificial Sweeteners, Little Eggs, Little Dairy, Barely Any Meat. LOTS of Fruits, Vegetables, Flax Seed, grains, rice, and Quinoa.

I altered it from the original plan, and to keep myself sane, I allowed one little "cheat" food every day. One day it was whole wheat toast. One day it was an egg. Once it was a little morsel of some organic fried halibut. An ounce of chocolate.
I really do mean "little" cheat.

So far, the weight loss is about 3.5 pounds, I've been riding our exercise bike more often (this week I've gone for 15-20 minutes each time, about 2-3 times this week), I'm drinking much more water, taking hotter showers, and using less cleaning products.

Hotter showers? Yes. To sweat. Lots of sweating. (Don't worry, I wear deodorant) I basically bake a little in my bathroom with the heat lamp going for about ten minutes, then jump into the shower, and make it a faster, hotter shower than I used to. Then I jump back out, open the window, and give myself a little temperature shock. It feels great in the morning, quite invigorating.

What vitamins did I take? Omega 3-6-9 Complex Softgels, Milk Thistle Extract, and my Chewable Gummy Bear Multivitamins (I was so happy to see on the label they were naturally flavored and colored).
Why do I take Gummy vitamins? Because the One A Day vitamin makes me nauseous; I still don't know why, but I'd rather avoid them because my breakfast is precious to me.

Now that my detox is essentially over, I've decided to change my Diota, instead of just falling back into my Fast-Food-Chinese-Cafeteria Comfort Zone.

I thought this all out while on my detox (or thought it out most of the way) so that I can keep up the steady weight loss, keep up my exercise, and still feel good about what I eat. So I give to you, the New Angie List of Stuff, in no particular order.

1. I'm going to eat meat 6 days a week. Once a week will be Pork, Twice a week will be Fish (one of those an oily fish, like salmon), and Three times a week will be Poultry. The seventh day of the week will be tofu, seitan, or a complete protein via a vegetarian combination. (Rice and beans, grains and leafy greens, etc)
This means I will eat meat at one to two of the meals of my day.

2. Breakfast will be vegetarian in nature. Toast, oatmeal, cereal, fruit smoothie, eggs, vegetable fried rice, all are viable options. I'll only have bacon or sausage with Breakfast if I'm eating it for dinner.

3. I will eat red meat once a month. Hamburgers, cheese steaks, steaks, and red meat of any form counts to this. So if I'm going to eat a burger, it better be a good one.

4. I'm essentially beginning to follow the Asian Food pyramid (If you'd like to see the food pyramid I'm using as a guide, check out the Mayo Clinic website )

5. Milk and cheese intake are going to be limited. If I find myself lacking Calcium, I'll eat more Yogurt. Since yogurt is cultured, and things like Greek Yogurt or Skyr are made from Skim Milk, they're still totally good to eat.

6. I will exercise a minimum of 3 times a week. I will define exercise as at least 20 minutes of activity that raises my heart rate, not including the necessary warm up and cool down. I have a pedometer, a recumbent exercise bike, and my Wii Fit. I need to use them more often.

7. I will drink more tea. I haven't had coffee for 12 days, and I'm not really missing it. I've been drinking Black and Green tea, but found that with better eating and more exercise, I already have a pep in my step, and don't need much help in the morning to get moving.

8. I will have dessert once a week. (Give me a moment to collect myself, this is a big one) Desserts are not allowed to have artificial stuff in them, so I either need to read lots of labels, or make my own stuff. Fruit with a very light drizzle of honey does not count as a dessert. (That's not really a cheat, as long as I'm honest, and remember that a "Drizzle" is less than a tablespoon.)
My breakfast fruit smoothie doesn't count as dessert either, since it's just fruit, rice milk, flax seed, and unsweetened fruit juice.

9. I will use my bento box and lunch box more often. Packing a lunch is so much smarter, and easier if I remember to pack it all up the night before. I spent 70 dollars on two weeks of groceries for my Detox, and that averages out to 5 Dollars a day for my meals, excluding any of the pantry items I used. $7 A day Organic, eat your heart out. :D

10. I will learn how to make sushi. Sushi is very filling, very tasty, and pretty darn healthy too. If I use asparagus, avocado, carrots, snow peas, and other fun delights, I can really use my bento box for what it's meant.

11. I'm going to learn how to make ramen. If I can make ramen, it'll be cheaper and healthier than the fresh Ramen at Mitsuwa. And if I can make ramen well, Art will never go hungry again. :)

12. Alcohol will be a once a week treat. I will allow myself two servings of alcohol in each week. A serving is a 12 oz beer, a shot of hard liquor, or 4 ounces of wine. That's it. Nada Mas.

13. I gave up soda for the detox, I don't really miss it, so I'll keep it out as best as I can. I drink naturally flavored seltzer, but soda very rarely. Rarely is something like less than once a week, maybe once every 2 weeks.

To me, this sounds like a sensible, healthy, happy plan that I can stick to. I'll have to be aware of what foods I eat, track when I eat them, and know when to say "stop". Another thing that I'm doing, which I forgot to add to the list, is I'm eating slower. I talk more when I eat, or read a book between bites, to help me know when I'm full, and know when to stop.

I'd like to keep a food journal, and I think I will. My goal is 5 meals. Breakfast, Snack, Lunch, Nibble, Dinner.

Breakfast needs to be brain food, so I might start eating a protein complex in the morning, to keep me zippy until my afternoon snack. Breakfast smoothie, a tasty sweet whole grain combo, something that will make me happy to eat it. I like sweeter things in the morning, to help keep me away from the coffee.

Snack will be some fun salty, crunchy craving that will replace my junk food wants. Something like Rice Cracker Snacks, or Nuts, with Grapes or another fruit. I like the fruit and nut combination, and the protein and little fat content will keep me alert until lunch.

Lunch will be veg City, with a little morsel of meat. Salads, Beans, stir fry, or soup with a whole grain. This means I'll have to prep it the night before, and plan out my lunches weekly. I only want to have 1 serving of meat with my lunch, so that means between 3 and 5 ounces of my choice animal. Yeah, that's it. That's all I need.

Nibble could be before or after dinner. It could be popcorn, fruit with a drizzle of honey, or my coveted once-a-month dessert.

I have the portion sizes in my head, and some say soon I'll take pictures of all of the foods I eat for the day, to show you portion sizes and all.

That's all I've got for now, but I think it's enough to keep me going for a while.

Oh, my cook book? Once I'm off my detox, and transition (hopefully) smoothly to my new Diota, I'll update on cookbook ideas. I'm still in the research phase.

So remember kids, ITS FRIDAY!
Have fun, be safe, and you'll hear from me soon.

The Angie Monster.

1 comment:

  1. Silly Angie-chan and your diet. Just remember, by eating vegetarian food, you're contributing to the destruction of the environment!
